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This Cute Robot Uses Sophisticated AI to Help Teach Kids

Tega is a robot that uses artificial intelligence to read and respond to kid's emotions.

Aired 06/05/2019


This Cute Robot Uses Sophisticated AI to Help Teach Kids

Clip: Season 46 | 4m 18sVideo has Closed Captions

Tega is a robot that uses artificial intelligence to read and respond to kid's emotions.

This robot might look like a Furby. But, using artificial intelligence, it can learn to understand a child's emotional state to better engage them during a lesson.

Aired 06/05/2019

National Corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Carlisle Companies. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the NOVA Science Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers.

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Artificial Intelligence is Helping Get the Lead Out of Flint

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An algorithm helps find buried lead, but can residents trust it? (6m 32s)

The Science Behind This Sleight of Hand

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Astronomers Photograph 2 Newborn Planets for the First Time

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Researchers photograph two newborn planets for the first time. (2m 41s)

Six Ways Quantum Computers Could Change the World

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The 170-Year Search for a Planet Beyond Neptune

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This Cute Robot Uses Sophisticated AI to Help Teach Kids

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Tega is a robot that uses artificial intelligence to read and respond to kid's emotions. (4m 18s)

Fossil Discovery Could Offer Glimpse into Day the Dinos Died

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Fossilized fish appear to preserve the fallout of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. (2m 51s)

Using Science to Achieve Invisibility

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How the Magnus Force Curves Soccer and Baseballs

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This Is Your Brain and Body on Power

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Deepfake Videos Are Getting Terrifyingly Real

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Vaping Cost One Teen His Health and Dreams

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Nicotine addiction came with high price for one teen, and he’s not alone. (3m 59s)

Grandfather of Climate Science and "The Big Experiment"

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A pioneer of climate science, explains why he wishes he could have lived another 50 years. (2m)

This AI Can Help Park Rangers Identify Poachers

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A system of small cameras can help park rangers identify possible poachers. (3m 27s)

What Went Wrong with the Boeing 737 Max 8?

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Experts weigh in on what may have happened to the Ethiopian flight 302. (3m 22s)

What is a Bomb Cyclone?

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Discover the science behind the phenomenon. (1m 54s)

The World Wide Web Celebrates its 30th Birthday

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Without it, you wouldn't be able to watch this video. (2m 39s)

Why Hurricane Florence Caused So Much Flooding

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Warming air and sea surface temperatures are making storms wetter and more intense. (3m 2s)

Did Climate Change Cause Hurricane Harvey?

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Climate models can be used to analyze rainfall, heatwaves, and even coral bleaching events (2m 32s)

Climate Change Flooding: A Threat to National Security?

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Sea level rise and heavy rains pose logistical challenges to Norfolk, Virginia's Navy. (4m 1s)

Can Super Corals Save Reefs?

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Scientists are trying to help reefs around the world the world by identifying super corals (3m 29s)

What is Coral Bleaching?

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It changes the dynamic of the entire reefscape, and can be detrimental to corals. (2m 29s)

Why Kicking a Field Goal is Harder Than it Looks

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Kicking a field goal is tough. But why? (Hint: It's physics.) (3m 28s)

What Does the Polar Vortex Have to do With Climate Change?

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If you think you understand the polar vortex, think again. (3m 18s)

AI Helps Young Man with Cerebral Palsy Find Independence

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Can AI technology help 12-year-old Kaden, who is nonverbal, find his voice? (4m 46s)

How Does a Government Shutdown Affect Science?

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The government shutdown has brought experiments to a halt and affected other areas. (3m 1s)

Five Moon Names to Know for Successful Moongazing

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Using Drones to Solve 170-Year Bowhead Whale Mystery

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Scientists use drones to spy on bowhead whales. (3m)

This Little Armadillo Was a Big Ambassador for His Species

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Learn about this baby giant armadillo. (3m 51s)

Animal Espionage Preview

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Camera technology is revolutionizing the study of animals—without them even noticing. (26s)

The Violence Paradox Preview

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Is violence actually declining? If so, why? And can we build a more peaceful future? (28s)

Taking Orders to Be Violent Might be Easier Than You Think

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Two researchers at a Polish University recreated the Milgram Shock Experiment. (5m 17s)

Has Violence Declined Through the Ages?

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Violence is a complicated thing to measure. (2m 13s)

Are Babies Capable of Making Moral Judgements?

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To test this, a psychologist puts on a two-act puppet show for infants. (3m 36s)

How Leonardo da Vinci Used Anatomy to Inform his Paintings

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Do the Renaissance master’s drawings stand the test of time? (4m 59s)

How did Leonardo da Vinci Paint the "Mona Lisa"?

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Learn what inspired da Vinci’s "Mona Lisa." (1m 45s)

Giving the "Mona Lisa" a Digital Makeover

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See the “Mona Lisa” as da Vinci once did. (3m 10s)

Decoding da Vinci Preview

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Scientists Use NASA Tech to Decode Damaged Scrolls

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Experts Investigate Dead Sea Scroll Forgeries

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Not all Dead Sea scroll fragments are what they claim to be. (3m 16s)

Dead Sea Scroll Detectives Preview

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New technologies unravel the Dead Sea Scrolls’ mysteries and uncover million-dollar fakes. (28s)

Rise of the Mammals Preview

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Amazing fossils reveal how mammals took over after an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs. (26s)

Paleontologists Discover New Mammal Fossils Hidden in Rocks

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Stunning new mammal fossils were hiding in plain sight. (5m 44s)

Paleontologist Makes "Game-Changing" Fossil Discovery

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The Denver Basin preserves a pristine record of ecosystem recovery. (1m 34s)

Mammal Fossils Fill in Missing Piece of the Timeline of Life

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This trove of mammal fossils paints a timeline of life after the dinosaurs died. (3m 35s)

How Fossilized Plants Tell Us About the Evolution of Animals

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Plants can help us understand how life rebounds after a mass extinction. (1m 34s)

Testing Self-Driving Cars in the Real World

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Driverless cars are being tested in private and public spaces. (3m 46s)

Look Who's Driving Preview

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As self-driving cars take to the streets, investigate how they work, and if they are safe. (28s)

National Corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Carlisle Companies. Major funding for NOVA is provided by the NOVA Science Trust, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and PBS viewers.

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